Free GST Calculator
Actual Amount
GST Amount
Total Amount
A tool to calculate GST on a given amount or find the original amount before GST.
Takes price and GST rate to calculate tax amounts, either inclusive or exclusive.
Price of the item and applicable GST rate.
Use formula: GST Amount = (Price Excluding GST × GST Rate) / 100.
Use formula: Total Price = Price Excluding GST × (1 + GST Rate/100).
Use formula: Price Excluding GST = Total Price / (1 + GST Rate/100).
Slabs: 5%, 12%, 18%, 28%; some items at 0% or exempt.
Refer to official GST rate list or online resources.
Yes, GST applies to both, so the calculator works for both.
Yes, intra-state uses CGST and SGST, inter-state uses IGST, but total rate same.
Typically no, adjust price before input if discounts or charges apply.
Yes, check invoice GST amount using calculator.
Helpful for basic calculations, but use accounting software for full compliance.
Yes, may not handle complex scenarios like exemptions or input tax credits, consult professionals for advanced cases.